Personal Address
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Professional Interests
Expert System Design and Development
Micro-Controller Real-Time Control
Design and Implementation of IDEF Systems Modeling Tools
Expert System Simulation Software Tool Design and Development
B.S., Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 1984.
M.S., Computer Science, Texas A&M University, May 1986.
Professional Experience
Senior Programmer Analyst
Knowledge Based System Inc.
IDEF Modeling Tool Development
Simulation Tool Development
September 1999 to 2006
Associate Researcher
Industrial Engineering Department
Texas A&M Knowledge-Based Systems Laboratory
Technical lead on multiple research and development projects.
June 1986 to September 1999
Summary of Major Accomplishments
Simulation Software Development 2001 to 2006.
Software design and implementation of ESIM, a simulation tool based on a rule-based production system. ESIM is currently being used to develop a software tool to solve aircraft maintenance logistical problems at Tinker Airforce Base. ESIM is also being used to develop software to simulate tasks scheduled for NASA space shuttle maintenance.
Modeling Software Development September 1999 to 2003
Software Design and Implementation of AI0, a functional modeling tool, and AI3, a process flow modeling tool.
System administrator May 1992 to September 1999
The Knowledge-Based Systems Lab had three Sun4 workstations, one Dec 3000 workstation, one Dec 3600 workstation, one Silicon Graphics workstation, five MS Windows PC machines, and four Macintosh machines.
Technical lead and software development, January 1996 to September 1999
NSF funded a project to develop a software tool to capture process flow information and approximate process flow execution time.
Software development for KBSI's process flow modeling tool (AI3) from June 1996 to September 1999
Development of an editor for creating rules that represent the process flow and logic of the modeling tool. Development of an ODBC MS Access database interface from the process flow modeling tool to an MS Access database.
Technical lead and software development, August 1994 to December 1995
Development of a hierarchical cost modeling software tool that generates Excel worksheets. The system was developed with MS Windows, C++, and the Btreive database. The system will help semiconductor companies to analyze the cost of changing their manufacturing facilities.
Technical Lead and Software Development, February 1990 to present
Designed and implemented the software for 2 wheelchair controllers that Mark currently uses. On August 05, the second controller software was completed and tested on a prototype board. On March 08, the controller hardware was completed and tested with the software. Mark is currently using the controller.
Technical lead, January 1994 through September 1994
Systems analysis of IBM's workstation manufacturing facilities. The project required the simulation of two potential manufacturing environments. IBM used these results to decide which facility to install.
Technical lead, January 1994 through June 1994
Wrote a software document describing a commercially available graphical line router. This document was used to redesign the graphical line router.
Technical lead, January 1993 through December 1993
Software analysis of a hardware fault diagnosis software tool to assist IBM in debugging hardware errors that occur at their RS6000 workstation manufacturing plant in Austin. The document consisted of need analysis, system requirement, software requirement, software design, and analysis of results.
Project participant, January 1993 through December 1993
Developed a communications platform for a rapid prototyping environment for computer-integrated manufacturing.
Project participant, August 1992 through December 1992
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, survey, and analysis of the current Computer Integrated Manufacturing software architectures.
Project participant, May 1992 through August 1992
Development of a Computer Based Curriculum Development tool that aids teachers in developing enhanced curriculums. The goal of this project was to provide teachers with the information and tools to better their teaching skills. The software was developed on Windows 3.1 using Superbase and Turbo C++ with Windows libraries.
Technical lead, September 1991 through July 1992
Conceptual design of ROCS, a Reliable Object-based Control System for computer-integrated manufacturing.
Project participant, January 1992 to May 1992
Software design of IDEF3, a process description tool that will be used to generate manufacturing control software.
Technical Project Leader, August 1989 through 1990
Development of AI0, a functional modeling tool for representing business and manufacturing functional descriptions. AI0 is a product developed and distributed by Knowledge Based Systems Inc.
Technical Project Leader, February 1988 through 1991
Development of ISPBEX (Integrated Southern Pine Beetle EXpert system), a constraint-based expert system application for advising the management of southern pine beetle infestations.
Co-Technical Project Leader, February 1988 through February 1990
Development of FSA, a Fastener Selection Assistant funded by Chrysler Corporation. FSA is a constraint-based expert system application for advising Chrysler design engineers on fast Project Participant, RECON research sponsored by NASA. RECON is a life-support system for long-distance space travel.
Technical Project Leader, August 1988 through October 1988
Developed a fact collection and fact analysis tool for the Air Force. The FCT (Fact Collection Tool) served as a data acquisition mechanism.
Project Participant, February 1988 through May 1988
Development of KADET, funded by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. KADET advises the use of adaptive equipment for the vehicles of disabled individuals.
Project Participant, January 1988 through June 1988
Developed Causal Model-Based Machine Fault Diagnosis System, funded by Chrysler Corporation. Oversaw the development of a PC-based diagnoser capable of finding faults in machinery and then aiding a machine operator in correcting the problem.
Project Participant, June 1988 through January 1988
Development of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), funded by the United States Navy. Personal Contribution included the development of a conceptual model for a fault diagnosis system within an autonomous underwater vehicle.
Technical Project Leader, KBSL/TAMU, June 1986 through February 1988
Development of WCA (Weed Control Advisor), funded by TAES and TAEX. Lead a team of six programmers to develop and field an expert system shell for advising Texas Rice Producers on weed control.
Technical Accomplishments
Designed and implemented the software for 3 wheelchair controllers. The first prototype implemented a Motorola MC68HC11 micro-computer with conventional assembly language programming techniques. The second prototype controller used a C compiler and was implemented on a MircoChip PIC16F877A microcontroller. The third controller uses a gyro and two inclinometer to sense yaw, roll, and pitch of the wheelchair. The sensors are used to adjust motor voltage and motor voltage ramp rate over unlevel terrain.
Developed and implemented a constraint management inference engine that was used for the Chrysler Fastener Selection Assistant and the Southern Pine Beetle Integrated Expert System (ISPBEX).
Designed a menu definition language that rapidly prototypes menus on a PC AT-class machine. This menu definition language provides a quick method for building user interfaces. Specifically, this facility stores compiled menu forms and a history of previous selections.
"Causal Model-Based Machine Fault Diagnosis System," funded by Chrysler Corporation. The Project developed an expert system shell that laid the groundwork for the current constraint management tool developed for the Forestry Service in the ISPBEX project.
Developed a serial communications driver for the PC. This allowed data transfer between the PC and the Forestry Service Data General databases.
Developed a D460 Data General terminal emulator for the ISPBEX project.